Testimonials for the Bratt Bat:
The premier weighted training bat
The Bratt Bat has been used since 1977 by teams in the the Major League, Little League, College and High School teams and for both baseball and softball training. Here are just a few of the many endorsements that the bat has received:
"I might have hit a dozen fewer home runs and batted 20-30 points lower if I hadn't discovered this bat"
Jim Rice, Boston Red Sox
39 home runs - .320 BA
The Anaheim Angels bought 6 Bratt's Bats in 2002 and proceeded to win the World Series. One week after winning the World Series they bought 6 more. The Bratt Bat works great for the major leaguers, but it's what it can do for you that counts. You'll never know how great a hitter you can be until you start working out with a Bratt Bat.
"The more I exercise with Bratt's Bat, the stronger my wrists and forearms become. And you need this strength in order to have a faster, stronger whipping action."
George Foster, Cincinnati Reds
52 Home Runs - .320 BA
"Been using the 100oz the last few off seasons, and I swear by it. I've incorporated it into all my swing workouts. It's added a lot power, increased control and bat speed for me. I use a 70oz on-deck and its a great way to loosen up and make your game feel light. Wish I'd found this a long time ago. I recommend this to any hitter who wants to improve bat speed/control and power."
On-line feedback
Tom Bresciani, second baseman for Assumption College in Worcester, MA trained with a 90 oz. Bratt Bat for six months prior to the season start . He raised his average 157 points that year and led the nation's Division 2 Colleges with a .515 average
Elton Goodwin, baseball coach at South Kitsap High School in Kitsap, WA started using the Bratt Bat in their hitting drills. That season, their team batting average improved to .385 which was 40 points higher than their previous record.